Tuesday, May 26, 2009

By Phone, Email, SMS or Twitter .....

Communication is one of the cornerstone of our services to you. The care provided to you and your pets do not end when you leave our office. You may need to contact us days or weeks after your visit. It may be for lab results, updates on response to treatment, or even something as simple as scheduling the progress check appointment.

We all have different schedules. Some of us are available in the evening; some prefer early mornings; others during our lunch breaks. Unfortunately, those times may not always match with the times our office is open. In addition, the doctor may not be available to come to the phone at those times.

For your convenience, we have a myriad of contact options.

1) Office Phone: 562-435-6331
For emergency or urgent matters during our office hours, calling us is the best method. Plus, if you prefer talking to us directly for that instant response, this is the way to go. However, if you have a non-urgent question for Dr. Tran, you may have to leave a message for her to call back later.

2) Email: staff@thefamilyvet.net
Email is probably the best option for non-urgent questions regarding your pet. You may write as much as you need, attach images, etc.... And of course, you can email us anytime. We try to reply within 24 hours, often sooner than that. Please note that online services can have intermittent outages. If you email us during our office hours and need a reply from us (i.e. from the doctor) sooner than 24 hours, you should call the office to let us know about the request.

3) E-Sevices
Use this service from our website or the mobile site to request prescription refills, perform e-Check In, and fill out Client Registration forms.
* Note: E-Check In is for scheduled appointments. If you submit one without a scheduled appointment, it does not automatically schedule one for you. You still need to contact us for an appointment.

4) Dr. Tran's Mobile Phone and Text Messages (SMS)
Clients who may need to contact Dr. Tran outside our regular office hours (i.e. critical patients, patients with chronic complicated illnesses) are provided with her cellphone number for voicemails and text messages. Please note, call the office number during office hours as Dr. Tran usually has her cellphone off during those hours.

And of course, there are the old standbys: facsimile (fax) and snailmail (regular mail).

In addition to the above contacts, we also use Twitter and our blog as ways to stay in touch with you --- in a broad general sense, not necessarily matters specific to your pets. Twitter allows us to broadcast pet-related news and tidbits in a more timely manner. We invite you to follow us on Twitter. Due to the public nature of the updates, we may not be able to answer specific questions pertaining to your pets. Please use email for specific questions about your pet care.

As a reminder, technology is not fail proof. Please follow-up if you do not get a response from us in a timely manner.

Even when our office is closed, you can still contact us.
Whether it's by phone, email, SMS, website, blog or Twitter --- we're here for you and your pets.

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